Frequently Asked Questions

A Spiritual Friendship is a group of 2-5 people who meet regularly to pray, read Jesus' word, and challenge each other to become more like him.

We believe, as you join with others you will develop a greater love for Jesus, engage with Scripture, experience the power of prayer, grow as a disciple of Jesus, and build deep, meaningful friendships.

This may come very natural to some; however, if you don't know how to start, here is an example of how to begin.


Think of two to four people that you can either mentor or enter into a Spiritual Friendship with. Give them a call and ask them to join you every week as you start this Bible reading plan or start this new way of looking at the Bible through Lectio or Discipleship Bible Study (DBS).


Get a journal (or at least an APP to write notes)! As you enter into a Spiritual Friendship, we believe that God will have lots of exciting things to share with you through Scripture, and through the words of others, you will need somewhere to write those things down!


Click the: Spiritual Friendship resources tab and pick one of our three recommended ways to guide you through how you spend your time together.


Be committed to regularly meeting (at least once every 2 weeks). We believe that this will be a transformative experience for those who do it. If your group is struggling, talk to Steve Karadimas for ways to help.


It is our goal to see Spiritual Friendships all over the city and see a revolution happen by having thousands of people in the word of God and being led by the Spirit. This is why we suggest that within two years your Spiritual Friendship will multiply. Be thinking of others that you can start this journey with.

1. Catch up with each other (ie. How is your family? How have you been? What's been going on the past week?) These are questions that friends ask each other!

2. Read and obey God’s word. Choose one of our recommended methods to read Scripture here.

3. Share with each other what Jesus has been teaching and challenging you with.

4. Create action steps based on what you are learning and hold each other accountable to them.

5. Pray for one another.

Jesus had 3 people who he spent more time with than anyone else. Their names were Peter, James, and John. Some of Jesus' most amazing ministry happened in the smallest setting. There are three stories from Scripture of what happened in this small setting that serve as an example of what we want to see in Spiritual Friendships.

Matthew 17:1-13 (Jesus revealed himself)

Jesus took the 3 up a mountain and when they were there they saw Jesus shine as a bright light and he spoke to them. We believe that as you engage in this Spiritual Friendship Jesus will reveal himself to you through Scripture and through each other.

Mark 5:35-43 (Jesus brought life)

Jesus heard of a twelve-year-old girl who had sadly passed away. He took the 3 with him to the girl's house. Amidst the weeping and wailing Jesus said to the girl, "little girl, get up" and she rose from the dead! We also believe that in these Spiritual Friendships God will perform miracles and will heal wounds. We know that Jesus will bring life and bring life to the full.

Matthew 26:36-46 (prayer)

Jesus was facing his biggest challenge yet; he had been betrayed and was soon to be murdered. He invited the 3 with him to the garden to pray. It is our goal that these Spiritual Friendships will be filled with prayer for each other, our community, and for the kingdom of God to reign on earth.

Yes! If you need more training or would like to be partnered with people who would like to start a Spiritual Friendship please fill out the form on the "contact us" tab and we will be able to guide you through it.